
Starting my first business at 51

Great to find a place to share thoughts with a 50+ female group. Starting my first business at 50 and doing it solo for now until I get traction. Good parts of being post 50...more confident, time and $ to do things on my own. Bad things about post 50, less of a peer networking group to relate to. Most networking groups I go to, I am about 15-20 years older and just feel a little out of touch :-)
Hi @katchen - Congratulations on your new business. I, too, am 50+ and started my own pediatric sleep training business ( a couple of years ago. I am finding the same challenges as you in regard to networking and getting referrals, since my target audience is 25-40 year olds. Curious as to how others overcome these challenges and reach the younger audiences.
I am 50 and I am in school, working a job I hate, and started a business too. You can do it!I also go to networking events. I have been to 2 so far. I dont feel the age gap is a problem, since I go to the small businesses events, and those are not age-specific. I find it is odd to go around and start conversations with strangers, but this only means I haven't found my groove yet.What business have you started and how is it going?