Hey all! If you are currently in Miami, Houston, NYC, Chicago, or Atlanta, this post is for you. My company, reskilling/upskilling provider Springboard, has partnered with Microsoft to make our fully subsidized (read: free) Data Analytics Course available to underrepresented career changers. If you live in one of these cities and have been waiting to get into tech, consider this your sign from the unvierse. It's a 6-month, self-paced, in-depth course with built in mentorship, ideal for anyone serious about making a pivot but wanting to keep their current job. You can learn more about it here. The only downside is that it is geographically bound, but do spread the word, even if you live outside those areas! I'm trying to connect this opportunity with as many people as possible before it goes away!!
Free Data Analytics Bootcamp: 4 Miami, Houston, NYC, Chicago, Atlantahttps://www.springboard.com/courses/data-analytics-career-track-accelerate/?utm_source=microsoft&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=accelerate
Thanks so much for sharing this Amy!Letting you know I've tagged this post under different communities (which you can also do at the time of posting), and removed your duplicate post.