
eLearning Course Creation and Updating

Hi everyone,

I'm Suchitra from Maketric EdSolution, an Indian eLearning startup. We specialize in diverse, top-quality e-Learning solutions.

Our work ethics are:

1) Quality Assurance: Our stringent controls and adherence to industry standards ensure top-notch work.

2) Communication: We ensure seamless collaboration. We provide regular updates and clear reporting.

3) On-time Delivery: We have transparent project management processes, and we offer regular progress reports. We are committed to delivering projects on time.

4) Accessibility: We prioritize screen-reader-friendly content for broader reach and inclusivity.

5) Affordability: Delegating to us offers you cost savings without compromising quality, emphasizing your ability to provide high-quality services at competitive rates.

6) Legal Compliance: We have clear legal frameworks, contracts, and agreements to ensure compliance with international laws.

Entire projects or post-production tasks: storyboarding, Articulate 360, After Effects – we do it all. Our team crafts PPTs, SCORM packages, videos, microlearning, and more.

Let's chat about how we can succeed together. Please let me know a good time for a quick call.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.



[email protected]

If I understand correctly you help creators create their course? kinda like maven or teachable?
@iynna We help creators create their courses, yes. But Teachable, Thinkfic etc are platforms with their own branding and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Along with individual creators, we help corporate companies with their own courses in Technology, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Code of Conduct, Health and Safety Training and more in the FMCG, Healthcare, E-commerce and various other industries. Subject Matter Experts or SMEs send us videos of their expertise and we convert them into modules of learning with interactive quizzes, assessments, and course completion certificates. Learning Management Systems helps track the number of learners and what percentage of the course they have currently completed. Hosting is on the cloud depending on the number of learners expected to take the course at a given instant. I hope this answers your question. Thank you for your time.
oh i see!! thank you for clarifying that!
Hi Suchitra, a new e-learning platform will be launched in March, which might be of interest to some of your clients - in which case it could be an additional revenue stream, as well as generate more work, for your company. It was designed by the creator of the famous Six Sigma business processes and tools. It's going to be a global platform on which all kinds of courses are sold and the courses can be translated into multiple languages with AI making it look like the content creator is actually speaking in other language. Although the company itself will be marketing its platform, it is also using an affiliate model to encourage people to market each other's content. Your company could become an affiliate and let other people know about it. If your clients then sign up using your affiliate link and post the courses you create there, they will be signed up under you and you will make money whenever they sell their courses or other courses that they promote. Moreover, if they find that they can make a lot of money this way, they will want to create more courses - for which they will need to hire your company. Plus they may refer others to both this platform and your company. From now through March, they are working on the front end of their website (so any problems you see will be fixed) and signing up content creators and affiliates. In March, they will launch and start focusing on signing up learners. They expect the business to grow quickly and then a VC will invest so they can continue to expand globally and add more languages. I suggest you watch the video at this link and then have a look at the website. I think this could be a great business opportunity for you.
@iynna You might want to take a look at this platform as well. Elpha could start a group for people who want to create online courses and help each other market them. People who have large followings and want to earn some extra money by being affiliates who promote other Elpha members' courses, promote other courses on the platform, and/or promote the platform to other content creators could be part of that group as well. Just a thought.