
Helping a family member

I hope you had a wonderful time with your family.

I hope I can post this ask.

ASK: Today I learned that a family member needs financial support. The person will begin a new job in the month of December, but at the current time needs financial support with outstanding bills.

If you have ever been in that position, you understand how giving back helps others. I have already given and expect nothing in return.

If you are interested in also sending a gift in any amount, my personal PayPal is [email protected]. If you are not able, thank you for consideration.

OFFER: 30 minute coaching session on leveling up in DEIB.

Thanks! LaTonya

Helped you tag this under "Offer" as well!
Hey LaTonya, Thanks for sharing. I’m in the same boat. I have several family members in need this Christmas. I will be giving cash instead of gifts to help with the bills. Cheers to helping family! Ps I took a look at your website! Very cool business. Love the DEIB aspect. Your workis needed in the world. ❤️
I'm LaTonya. Thanks for looking at my website. I have given cash because I understand the need.
I've had this a lot in my own family too. These days I decide, is this a one-off ask or is this person always asking? (for the latter, I have stopped because it's not sustainable, and I don't print cash) If you think it's the one off and the person genuinely will start a job in Dec, is honest etc then I'd loan them the money or just gift it to them depending on the relationship you have with them of course. Lastly it also depends on the amount, and can you split with other members of the family or does the burden fall on you?
Hello Iynna, I have already given cash to support the person. If anyone is able to also support, it is appreciated. Thanks, LaTonya
Good for you for helping them