
Hi everyone, I'm a Master's student and need your opinions for dissertation purposes please!

If you don't want to participate, simply sharing the post would be a massive help as well. Thank you so much.

We are looking for individuals willing to participate in our online survey!

You need to read 1 short news article and answer questions about it.


You will need to provide demographic information for data analyses, this includes your age, gender and whether you have children or companion animals.

Participation is voluntary

You must be over the age of 18.

Please carefully consider your decision to participate in this study. It will require reading a scenario describing a violent criminal act which might be distressing to certain individuals.

University of Gloucestershire

MSc Forensic Psychology

If you have any questions regarding this research, please don’t hesitate to contact myself (the researcher) using the contact details provided below.

Jaenrika Cloete (MSc Forensic Psychology Student and Researcher): [email protected]

If you would like to know more please follow the link below or scan the QR code in the post (2nd image).

This research has been approved by the Psychological Sciences Research Ethics Panel