
Take home coding assessments vs. live coding sessions for screening senior developers

Hello Elphers!

I’m working on designing an interview process to hire a senior software engineer for a 20ish person startup and I’m debating which of the following we should use as a technical screener right before the on-site:

  1. Take-home coding assessment (~two hr challenge), or
  2. One hour code pairing session with another senior developer on the team

I’d love to know your thoughts on which to select and what you’ve seen done in thoughtfully crafted and effective interview processes. Some thoughts that have crossed my mind on these two options:

Take-home coding assessment

Pros 😄

  • Allows some candidates more comfort
  • Ability to go deeper into problems
  • More opportunities for the candidate to propose creative solutions

Cons 🙈

  • May give the impression that we want the candidates to do free work
  • Difficulty in preventing candidates from spending more time on the project
  • Difficult to monitor the integrity of the assignment
  • Difficult to judge submissions equally if we don’t enforce a time restraint
  • Overall more time is required from the candidate. This may not make the process equitable for time-constrained candidates (i.e. parents)
  • Requires a separate regroup to ask follow-up questions and probe the candidate's decisions

Technical code pairing sessionPros 😄

  • Allows us to more closely replicate what working with engineers on the job will be like
  • Less time required from the candidate
  • The candidate gets more live-time with other members of the team
  • Easier to enforce consistency in how candidates are evaluated

Cons 🙈

  • Less depth in the topic covered
  • Live pairing sessions can be stressful
  • More time (per interview) needed from the engineering team

What are your thoughts?

I appreciate you ❤️

Take home coding assignments. Integrity part, you can figure out from subsequent rounds when you discuss in detail on the whats and whys of the approach they took.Live pairing sessions can be absolutely stressful, I personally feel that you may miss out good candidates because of that one reason.
Personally, most the senior engineers I know are split on the take home coding assessment but as a senior engineer myself when I interview for hiring senior engineers I try and ask more high level questions and also have them code on the call. I want to see how they debug and diagnose problems, how they handle refactors on the fly during the call, and I also want to see their personality so I can tell if they will fit in well with the team and I trust them to code on the call but a take-home they could outsource and I think unfortunately that is common today that people get help from friends. Good luck on your decision! Maybe you can offer both? I have had jobs I applied to that offered both and let me choose which I preferred and made sure to say one would take 4-6 hours and one would be on a call for an hour but I would have an easier assignment on the call.
Thank you @lorantz we ended up giving candidates the option of choosing from either a take home or live coding session. So far, we've received a positive response.