
Day #8 Building Healthy Rituals Challenge

Welcome to Day #8 of our Building Health Rituals Challenge! Thus far we've focused on drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. The Human Body is about 60% water so important to stay hydrated and keep your organs and skin healthy.Today we are going to add to our Morning Ritual! 🥰Starting today you are going to add a simple morning workout.... don't panic, it doesn't need to be difficult, it doesn't need to be strenuous... you just need to move your body a little bit more than you did yesterday.... you could put on some lively music and dance around the living room for fifteen minutes.... you could do some simple stretching... or join our daily virtual morning workout via Zoom! (Message me for a link!)Don't forget to keep up with your new ritual of drinking water FIRST thing every morning! I have a Free Printable Tracking Sheet for you!In this day of technology there are of course some great apps to keep track of your water intake. BUT, for those of you who like to mark things off on a chart, I’ve got a FREE Printable for you of my 21 Day Water Challenge water reminder just for you! Msg me to get your copy!Share this if you know someone who could benefit from #buildinghealthyritualsLearn more about our Building Healthy Rituals Challenge at