
Soon to be grad applying for jobs and considering offers

Hi! I am soon to be graduating with a computer science degree in May 2022. I am looking to go into software development and have received two verbal offers for about 100k. I am in the midst for interviewing for another company and the recruiter is saying I should expect a lesser salary offer and instead look at what the values of the company can offer. As a soon-to-be grad, I am not sure if I should stand my ground or accept that maybe I am inexperienced and I should not demand a higher salary.

What do you think is a good starting salary for a graduating SWE like me?

What are some good questions to ask when negotiating and important things to ask when hammering out the details of a offer for a job? ex: PTO, 401k matching, bonus, health insurance....

Thank you!!

Hi Shanita, Congrats on graduating soon! That's an exciting milestone!You can refer to this resource shared by Elpha - suggestion is also to consider which role resonates more with what you want to be doing. You'll be spending 40+ hours at work so making sure you like the day-to-day of the role and the team you will be working with is important to consider.Best wishes!