
A gender diverse community for software developers (yes, such a thing can actually exist!) ⭐

We all know that gender diversity in tech is an issue.This is particularly true of online communities for software developers.Most online developer communities I encounter – from groups on Reddit, Discord, and Slack to programming-specific platforms like and Hashnode – are dominated by men. And while dedicated female communities for developers like SheCodes, Code First Girls, and Women Who Code are vitally important and totally awesome (!) I believe that we also need spaces that contain men, women, and non-binary folk in more proportionate numbers.Over the last few months, I have been working with a great little team of devs to try and address some of these issues 😊We are building a new, free-to-use social networking platform for software developers to discuss, share, and collaborate on projects.The platform will place a 50% cap on the number of men. As the community grows, we will also look to create a female-only space on the platform✨I thought you all would find this interesting so feel free to check it out. The platform is called Romba (link below). Any feedback or ideas most welcome!
Congratulations on launching Zoe!
Thanks Iynna!