
A platform to discover and explore different jobs

Hey Elphas,

I’m currently building out a platform to help university students and young professionals make more informed career decisions.

It’s called Project Clarity, and the goal is to enable users to learn more about the day-to-day of various jobs from people who are just 2-3 years ahead of them.

Users who have absolutely no idea what jobs they should be looking at can also use it to discover jobs that may be suitable for them.

We aim to enable our users to find a job that will be a good fit for their strengths, skills and interests so that they can feel fulfilled at work.

If this is something you’re interested in, I’d love it if you could:

  • Provide any feedback on our landing page - the mockups of the “app” are just for show, we haven’t built anything yet!
  • Sign up for our beta as a user if you’d like to explore jobs
  • Sign up for our beta as a contributor if you don’t mind helping others out by creating a job profile (and you can be a user as well if you'd also like to explore!)

Here’s our website:

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or reach out via email [email protected]

Thank you! ❤️

That's wonderful! I am also tagging our very own @tanmayisai who has a platform for uni students looking for internships/gigs :)
Thanks Iynna!
Emailing some feedback! 🤗
Thank you!