
How often do you give your brain a break 🧠? A chance for calm 😌? How many of us are living with extreme mental burden right now 🤯?

For most of my career, which started over a decade ago, my brain was in hyperdrive almost all the time. I really thought it was the norm to be psychologically revved up from morning to night, to operate with constant distraction, and to go to bed with a headache from mental strain. And I think many of us operate like this, a lot of the time.But, over a series of many years, I learnt what this was doing to me. I had lost touch with myself, my body and my brain. A state of high mental burden, and frequent fight or flight mode, meant that pausing to try to empty my mind was scary, and unachievable. And so I kept on the conveyer belt from day to day. I gradually gained weight, and I was anxious and stressed. For relief, I'd turn to a glass of wine or a convenient takeaway meal - more distractions. I know this is not unique to me, and I wonder how many other Elphas have also found themselves feeling like this?Thankfully, I write this now with most of these feelings in the past. I saw the value that some of my friends gained from small healthy daily habits - many of which were psychological. Things which, to start with, seemed unachievable, but through a gradual process of introduction and change, ended up becoming crucial to my daily life. Things like meditation, walking outside without your phone, randomly dancing to a song, breathing deeply, working standing up, eating multiple different veggies with each meal, switching to healthy snacks, exercising more.....the list goes on. All little things which add up to significant change.Now, my cofounder, @clairexy, and I, have launched Holly Health, a digital coach to support individuals to address brain burden, and the health challenges which come with it. Holly support individuals with physical and psychological health improvements, through a variety of healthy daily habits. The goals of using Holly include sustainable weight loss, disease prevention, and better mental wellbeing. We've launched a free beta service which is running now and we'd love your thoughts and for you to benefit from using it.I'd love to know if you've struggled with brain burden, and how have you tackled it? And if you're feeling it now, know that it's possible to relieve that strain - you're very welcome to sign up for Holly.Best wishes, Grace