✨Looking for a part time tech product lead -- Where do we start? ✨https://www.maxablespace.com
Does anyone have any advice on how to find a part-time tech product lead? Looking for expertise in platforms, marketplace, and ecommerce. Someone empathetic who can effectively manage up and across our stakeholder teams. We're look fo for someone who is outcome-driven (prioritizing things that move the needle) vs output-driven (let's just ship [x]). As a bonus, having analytical chops and experience in 0-1 products will be super helpful for this role.Here's the job posting: https://maxablespace.com/technical-product-lead/
Angellist is really great, just make sure you specify in your job posting that it's part time.
Awesome, thanks Samatha, I'll look into that.
I know lots of amazing women PM's who are looking for consulting work. If you send me some details, I'm happy to post them and connect to you :D
Amazing! Thanks, @tanmayisai! Here's the job description: https://maxablespace.com/technical-product-lead/
Hi @tanmayisai! Piggybacking off of this post - I'm also the hunt for a PT full stack developer or product manager (with a go to developer relationships). If you know anyone who might be interested in doing some PT work for a mental health startup (https://www.jo-health.com/), I would love to connect! [email protected]
@EmilyJohnson I used Rocketplace.com to find a full-stack dev team and we've got a great shortlist we're finalizing.