
a practical guide toward self-compassion.

I've been on an active journey of self-compassion for the past year, learning awesome skills in therapy that I've documented in my purple, holy grail therapy journal. Last night, something just TOOK OVER ME and I was like "okay, I gotta do something creative and productive today". So I put my notes together to create something I can share with this awesome community ❤️.

Attached is a practical guide toward self-compassion, where you'll find 5 actionable steps and exercises you can practice to be kinder to yourself. It's a condensed compilation of CBT and psychodrama skills I've learned over the past year in the therapy that has really helped me get to a place where my compassionate voice is louder than my critical voice, which is MAJOR progress for me, the former Queen of Inner-Critic City.

I hope you'll find it helpful! If you resonate with any of the exercises and/or have others you'd recommend, I'd love to hear about your experience!!

Link to download the PDF:


Vic ❤️

This is really good and thank you for sharing!