
Looking for a Mentor in Communications/Marketing (Fundraising & Growth)

Hi Elpha's!

I'm two weeks away from officially starting my first management-level role in Communications. I'd love any advice or connections for possible mentors. It will be out of the tech space and new to me (non-profits, fundraising, policy).

I'm looking for a monthly check-in call to make sure I'm on a good path, challenge my ideas of management, and to provide a safe space to ask questions and think out loud.

I'm a responsible mentee who makes calendar invites, shows up to calls, and takes notes on what I need to implement.

Thanks for your time!



Congratss on your new gig! This is exciting! @kimberlydinville is eager to mentor people, not sure she still has capacity but it doesn't hurt to connect :)
Thanks, and yep! I have time and would love to see if I can help. @chieremefortune - if you are interested, send me a quick DM and I can share my calendar link. We can have a quick chat to determine if there is anything I can do to help you.
Thanks so much!
I was in this position a few months back and I'm grateful for the kind women who spared their time to chat with me. I'm happy to share what I've learnt in my little time with you. Feel free to reach out