
Office Hours: I’m the Head of Vertical Marketing at Snapchat. I’m Natalia Espejo. AMA!Featured

Hi Elphas!

I’m Natalia Espejo, the Head of Vertical Marketing for North America at Snapchat.

I have over 10 years of brand management experience evolving iconic brands to better serve consumers, society, and the environment.

When I joined Snapchat in 2020, I transitioned from traditional brand management to B2B marketing. Over the past 3 years, I’ve built the organizational structure and strategy for business marketing at Snapchat – specifically building the business marketing vertical team, developing marquee marketing initiatives, and crafting bespoke first-to-market opportunities for the top advertisers in the world.

I’m passionate about amplifying the voice of others – consumers around the world, colleagues, and those most marginalized – because I firmly believe there is power in great storytelling to activate societal change.

As a champion for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I’ve been recognized twice during my tenure at Unilever as a Diversity Trailblazer. I am currently serving as an executive lead for Snapchat’s ERG community.

I'm also serving as President of Latinos of Montclair, Inc. (a non-profit organization uniting the Latino/x/e community to promote greater visibility, celebrate cultural diversity, and encourage civic engagement) and as a board member of Memik, Inc. (a social media platform harnessing the power of AR to share and discover new dances, music, and fashion through AI-powered 3D motion capture avatars).

During my downtime, I enjoy spending time with my husband and watching my little girls become fierce Latinas.

Ask me about brand management, product development, leadership, being a Latina leader, purpose-driven marketing, motherhood, or anything else!

Thanks so much for joining us @NataliaRE!Elphas – please ask @NataliaRE your questions before Friday, February 3rd. @NataliaRE may not have time to answer every questions, so emoji upvote your favorites 🔥👍🏾➕
^ Hello Elphas - Just a quick update: @NataliaRE will be answering your questions on Monday, Feb 6th - so you have a few extra days to get your questions in! ❄️
I would love to know about one challenge and one win as a Latina in the corporate tech space. How did each play out? Thanks @NataliaRE
Hi Theresa, thank you for your question! What has always been a challenge for me is unifying our community. I've served as a leader of Latinx/e ERG / BRG groups my entire professional career and have found our varying experiences to be difficult to unify. It is a fundamental challenge I try to solve often. We are so much stronger together, but often suffer and succeed as solo acts versus community ones. I'm on a mission to change that! As for my greatest win as a Latina in the corporate tech. . . well I can't just say there's one. My wins are both big and small and multi-dimensional from all the courageousness I source from my ancestors (Afro-Caribbean and Indigenous women many of whom were never formally educated) to what my two niñas remind me of daily - Mamá you got this! - which I've taken to mean I have innate responsibility to build better for the future. Suerte!Natalia
What is one big impact area that emerging consumer brands have not yet tapped into but that in your opinion could become a focal point for engaging consumers to participate in social change (if this is even a goal for brands?). To brands that don't meaningfully engage in activating awareness amongst consumers, what would you offer as insightful or eye opening advice?
Hi Christina thank you for your message! When it comes to emerging consumer brands I'm encourage by the idea of "community first". Allowing a community / social movement to be the foundation for developing a new product that either offers a new positioning or fills an existing market gap. As for brands not engaging in any social awareness / purpose positioning, I would ask them why they're not? Depending on their response I would caution the risk of not having a narrative in market citing examples of brands that spiraled after perceptions changed / viral mistruths or truths were revealed. Suerte! Natalia
As a champion of diversity, equity and inclusion could you help me with your advice here please!
Hi Lia thanks for your message!I'm encouraged by your team's commitment to drafting values, their open dialogue and willingness to continue the conversation. As for the comment by a co-workers claiming "gender equality and inclusivity" are implied. It would be helpful to know what the 5 values are and whether each have a defining territory in which you could incorporate "gender equality and inclusivity". In your upcoming conversations with leadership I would focus on the future state. What does the organization look like at 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000 employees, and do the 5 values outlined continue to serve as a compass to guide the organization in a way that makes the team proud and encourages other to join. Thank you for using your voice to build a better future! 🙌🏽 Suerte! Natalia
Hello Natalia - I am seasoned sales executive looking to branch out from sales/account management into business development, marketing, corporate communications. I have all of that experience from my previous roles, but did that was not my specific title. How do you suggest I get my experience recognized, or how do you suggest I would have better success making the transition? Thank you for your insight!
Hi Kirstie! Thanks for your message. Your direct client perspective is incredibly valuable across BD, Marketing, and Comms. Often times these divisions are not in the room with clients to hear direct feedback regarding new products and / or market positionings. Depending on your organization I would consider a stretch project (not ideal, but it provides the best access quickly) that allows you to help consult one of the divisions as they look to take a new product or communication to market. Happy to answer any follow up questions. Suerte! Natalia
Hey Natalie, I am a marketing strategist and want to work with more big companies that have properly established bases but want to venture into new territory with Gen-Z and new social media based strategies, I am keen on contractual work - coming in - helping establish a route- leaving when everything is set. However, I am unsure how to approach these firms with already big marketing teams. Do you have any tips?
Hi Natalia! I’m the founder of a social support network for women. Our mvp was web based and we are getting ready to build our GTM product based on all of the feedback from our beta. Huge debates on the team now whether to build V2 web app or go straight to mobile app. Big goals for v2 are more engagement and the ability to begin monetizing. Wondering if you have strong thoughts on whether staying with web app first is a mistake for target customers being female 20-50 based on what you’ve seen for usage/engagement trends.Big pros/cons in my mind that is making it super hard:- Mobile app would be more engaging/easy to use/connect with others, you're reminded to use it when an icon on your phone, push notifications- Mobile app CONS app would be a bit slower to build, requires download so users can't test it out first maybe preventing some people entering the funnel, lack of SEO capability and it's slower to iterate/test (for our scrappy startup team of 3).Thanks for any insight!!Linda
Hi Linda, thanks for your message!I would focus on what your end goal is. If your social support network is meant to ultimately live on mobile / have primary use on mobile I would prioritize mobile first to gather learnings and evaluate user behavior. With this information, you'll be able to pivot quickly and / or reveal new offerings you weren't aware of. Sounds like a great opportunity and I wish you and your fierce trio much success 🙌🏽 ✨Suerte! Natalia
Hey Natalie, I am a marketing strategist and want to work with more big companies that have properly established bases but want to venture into new territory with Gen-Z and new social media based strategies, I am keen on contractual work - coming in - helping establish a route- leaving when everything is set. However, I am unsure how to approach these firms with already big marketing teams. Do you have any tips?
Hi Annie, thanks for message! I think where you may be running into a challenge is the phase in development you are looking to offer your services. Many of the "big companies" you are looking to target often have a team / agency working on the strategic approach, but then bring in a CW (contract worker) to execute or roll-out across the organization. Perhaps position your services as more GTM (go to market / roll-out) versus strategic development. In addition, a successful strategy for consultants is positioning themselves as the expert. In your case I would look for opportunities where you can voice your expertise in Gen-Z and new social media via panels, roundtables, LinkedIN published one-pagers. Happy to answer any follow up questions. Suerte! Natalia