
Opportunity for all Technical Recruiters!

Hi, fantastic Elphas! I'm reaching out to all Technical Recruiters that can help us at 10by10 to fill our roles. We are a YC-backed recruiter platform, founded by April Chang, former VPE @ Eventbrite. On our platform, you will find +100 startup jobs available for you to submit candidates today. You source the candidates, we manage the recruitment process with the startups - lots of upside with very little overhead from you. We split the fee with you when a placement is made. We have made hundreds of split placements; several recruiters have earned $15K+ in the first 3 weeks. @teresaman any technical recruiter you know that might be interested in this opportunity?Thank you!Dama
@DamaAbergCobo We organize hackathons for hiring to help underrepresented tech talent showcase their potential to tech employers. I would like to learn more about how you work with other recruiters.
That is amazing! Yes I’d love to chat more. Can you send me a note at [email protected]? Looking forward to it!