
Eco-tech startup

Hi Elphas!

I'm seeking advice because I'm working on a tech startup which reduces waste and I was wondering if you have any resources/groups and VCs that are focused on sustainability.

I recently came across this website, you can search for investors there based on multiple criteria including the industry: https://www.openvc.appWorth a try!
Openvc is a great tool!
Totally, so many! Where are you? US or outside? Off the top of my head- VC funds: lowercarbon, buoyant, voyager ventures, speed invest (UK/Europe), planet a ventures (germany/europe), norrsken (broadly impact but definitely a huge climate focus), pale blue dot (europe), bethnal green ventures (uk), Aenu (Europe), New Systems Ventures (US) they like the kind of companies that most VCs dont touch (ie long development cycles etc). -check dcvc
Thank you so much for the information!! Iā€™m based in the US :), I really like that New System Ventures are more open to long development cycles.
I am curious what the tech startup is - if you can say more! I am also in the waste reduction space. I might have some specific names to point you to!
This is awesome, I would love to connect further! The startup is aiming to reduce waste of disposable diapers and the need of washing reusable diapers by automatically detecting when babies want to eliminate.
Wow, VERY cool! If you have a deck or anything I'd love to see it - my email is [email protected] if you'd want to connect further, but also no stress if not. I understand these things can be sensitive!