Our FIRST EVER Mini Masterclass is happening September 22nd / 1pm est.
Did you know in order for your retirement account to grow the way it was designed to, you need to invest it?! Saving alone will not prepare this nest egg for a future work-free life. We want your money working for you and we want to show you how.
We aren't going to talk talk talk and expect you to go implement it yourself. That doesn't work with investing. We’re going to invest together, live, with our founder @Citycrissi and a group of other badass women.
By the end of this MasterClass, you'll leave knowing your 401k/IRA is actually set up correctly and invested for your specific money goals.
Oh, PS: we are giving away free memberships to our financial education services. Because we realllllyy believe knowledge is power.
Head to the link to get on the list for this free masterclass!