
Have a burning money question? Ask + get advice! (for free)

Introducing: The Penny Community (enter endless balloons)

Our community feature is a space for women to come together and share advice on all things finance. Finally -- a place to ask specific questions and get specific advice from other members and, of course, Penny. We belong within these $$ conversations. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Taking part is free and non-commital.

Ask away!

I have about $80k to invest at the moment. Iā€™m in my mid-30s and a parent and would like my investment to appreciate as well as give me some cash flow. Iā€™m considering buying a property and letting it out to pay for the mortgage and hopefully have a little left over. What do you think?
Hi! GREAT question. The Penny Community forum is here: --- when you get a chance, ask within the forum. Our founder + team will see it and respond! Sorry that wasn't clear that this is an outside resource offering!
This could be a great post on it's own if you want to ask the Elpha community and see what members have done with their money to invest.