
Are you a new mama, pregnant, or trying to conceive? Please be a user tester for my maternal health tech prototype!

Hi Elphas, I'm working on a maternal health tech startup aimed at women going through various stages of motherhood from trying to conceive through postpartum. I'm looking for user testers for my prototype and would be incredibly grateful if you'd be willing to participate in a 30-45 minute video interview with me. I'd ask you questions as you use my product (website) while screensharing so I can observe how you interact with it. Please let me know if you'd be willing to help. I would be immensely grateful for your feedback, which will hopefully improve the experience of becoming a mom.Many thanks!Becky
I'm always up for motherhood missions! :) I'll DM you!
Happy to help. I sent you a DM :)
Happy to help - had my second baby on 6/25/20. DM me for details.
Iā€™m happy to help! Currently in my third trimester, please send me a DM
You and your team should definitely follow FemTech Focus and join our virtual community!
I just signed up - looks awesome!!
Happy to help if you are still looking for folks.
Thanks! Yes, I'm still looking for folks and just sent you a message!
This is probably long done but was curious if you're still looking for people. I currently have a 3 month old.