
I would like to write a PR playbook for my tech startup, looking for tech reporter sick of being pitched poorly!

I am a marketing director with previous PR agency experience. At my current tech startup, I realize the csuite team does not understand how the news, reporting, writing, PR and pitching work e.g. multiple edits after published, pitching old news, etc. When I advise against doing these things, it is simply brushed off. If you are a tech journalist absolutely sick of receiving old, bad and generic pitches, please reach out. I'm thinking we could do a 1/2 hour audio/video or possibly transcript that I will happily share internally but also externally so that we're teaching how to respect the field collectively. :) PS, If you would like to help but prefer to stay anonymous that is perfectly fine as well!
Hi! Did you mean to post this anonymously? I bet you will get more interest if you use your real identity.