I yo-yo with getting up early in the morning, consistently.
And when I say early in the morning, I mean anytime before 9am.
I would ideally like to get up at 6/6:30 every morning.
Can I wake up for an early bird flight? Of course.
If I have a meeting, can I wake up at the crack of dawn? No problem.
If I have something to DO or someone to MEET - it's not a problem.
Snooze button be damned!
But left to my own accord? I'm on the struggle bus & hitting snooze for an hour - if not more.
I have successfully trained my body to go back to sleep, in less than 5 minutes, no matter what the disturbance.😂
But I figured that I need to add something exciting to my morning routine to wake up early, jump out of bed, and get going. Though I'm having a hard time thinking of that THING!
Any suggestions?