
Looking for leaders who want to bring financial guidance to their team or community

I'm looking to connect with community and organization leaders who would like to offer their members a month free on our financial guidance platform! This is part of our new membership launch and will be at no charge to you.

Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll DM you to set up a chat!

A little more about Bolder 👇

At Bolder, we’re determined to close the gender wealth gap, which is significantly worse than the gender pay gap: women earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, and they own, in assets, only 32 cents for every dollar owned by men.

We believe both gaps are the result of societal barriers (like perceived gender roles, workplace bias, and a lack of universal childcare, to name a few) combined with a lack of accessible financial guidance that addresses the emotional relationship each of us has with money.

This type of financial guidance has become our bread and butter. We’ve coached over 400 women since 2022, and we’ve moved the needle: our members have seen an average net worth increase of $5,000 in about six months.

This month, we launched our community membership with a monthly fee of only $15, and have set a goal of helping 1,000 women who want to feel and do better with money.

Our membership has tools and resources to help women on a broad spectrum of financial health: from those who are struggling to get by, to those who want to see what else they can do with their money. And this is just the beginning! We believe collective action will not only help our individual members, but create a ripple effect to reduce societal barriers as well.