
My journey so far. . .

Recently, I segmented my resume into "chunks" of information because my journey has had definable phases. I like explaining my story this way, and I hope the style catches on.

When you have led a life with such varied experiences at work and outside of it, it becomes difficult to answer the quintessential "What do you do?"

Instead, ask me: What's your story?" And with that said, here's mine:

High school was academically interesting, but when I was 16, I met an older boyfriend and didn't go to school as much as I should have. Then, I went to community college for a couple of years, where I got straight A's and worked like a madwoman selling shoes full-time. From there, I transferred to USC and then again to Berkeley, where I received a diploma in 2009.

After Berkeley, I jumped into sales. It was the best thing I could have done because I learned to talk to people. Getting rejected and overcoming objections builds a thick skin, essential as crybabies don't excel in the real world. I knew this later on…

I was then hired by a few big-name healthcare and software companies as an administrative project coordinator and worked at several smaller companies and start-ups. I met so many amazing folks who helped me along the way. I want you to know that the knowledge gleaned has been invaluable.

Looking back at my past roles, I realize I am super lucky. My unusual background helped me to develop valuable, transferable skills, such as systems thinking, leading by example, and a growth-oriented/seeking solutions mindset. I wouldn't trade adapting to unique situations and overcoming adversity for anything, even though it's not the norm.

Leveraging my adaptable skills, I embarked on a journey to embrace my creative independence in 2018. Fueled to make a positive impact, I actively pursued a diverse range of educational and practical opportunities. This included a mix of free programs, financially intensive programs, and self-directed projects. Despite the varied financial commitments, the experience proved to be an invaluable investment. It fostered a comprehensive understanding of the world, sparking many creative ideas.

I am seeking a role that requires strategic thinking and problem-solving. I am most qualified for an Executive Assistant to the C-suite, Chief of Staff, Operations, or Project Manager role. Ultimately, I'd like to marry my creative pursuits and operations skill sets.

If you know anyone hiring who could use a right hand, please DM me. I appreciate your consideration in advance.

Thank you for sharing! Love the variety of roles you're looking for because I agree you have a ton of experiences which I'd say tend to revolve around talking to people + negotiating + managing multiple things at once (which is everything an EA, CoS, Project Manager, or Ops Manager would do!) Carta is hiring for a CoS to the CEO, sadly I have no affiliation but worth checking out i think?Also feel free to drop your linkedIn here too for further viz.