
Accessible Career Coaching for Women in Early to Mid Career

Dear Elpha Community,

We posted about Elevate last month on Elpha to recruit founding members, and we've gotten really great traction! We're posting again to let you know that we're extending our beta cohort for women who are looking for accesible career coaching.

What is Elevate: Elevate, is a new platform and community committed to empowering women through personalized, high-quality coaching experiences that foster all career scenarios in career growth, clarity and transitions, all while remaining accessible. As we're in the early stages of developing our products and services, we're seeking women wh to be among the first to benefit from working with our coaches.

We've assembled a team of coaches who not only possess professional coaching skills but also experts in their respective fields and industries. We believe that access to guidance in both life and career should be available to everyone. Our coaching sessions are designed to be actionable, ensuring that you always leave with clear steps for improvement.

By joining us as a beta member:

1. You'll play a vital role in shaping the foundation of our platform. Your input will help us tailor our coaching services to meet your needs and those of our diverse community of members.

2. You'll have exclusive access to our carefully selected roster of coaches and receive coaching at a reduced rate as we work through our model.

If you’re a woman in early to mid of your career and interested to start working with career coaches, you can fill out our form here to start receiving access to our coaches.

Otherwise if you have any questions please feel free to send me a DM!!

We're so passionate about giving accessible coaching for women like ourselves and we hope to get to work with some of you here !

Also if you're a freelancers who specialize in marketing & building community who shares the same passion as us, we'd love to chat with you - send us an email at [email protected]

@AdrianneReiners maybe this is interesting spec per the last ask!
Thank you so much for the tag!!