I'm not going to get into the details, because you'll think you're reading the transcripts to a Real Trainwr...I mean Real Housewives episode. So I'll, lightly, tickle you with the TL;DR:
- A team of people were brought onto a project.
- It was supposed to be a shorty, 3-month project.
- It got dragged out for 4 months with us barely creating anything because of the Team Lead/Client constantly tweaking the idea.
- The Team Lead got fired.
- We're moving forward with the project and it will be done mid-November. Right before "why the fuck are we eating dry ass turkey, when we ALL want ham"! - day.
Is everyone getting paid? Of course.
Is everyone exhausted from the drama that incurred within this project up until this point? You have no idea...
Is everyone planning their "frexit" (freelancer exit)? You bet your Mrs. Smith's sweet potato pie, we are!
The ONLY reason everyone is sticking around?
We want to leave in good conscience.
After ALL THESE MONTHS, not to mention the money he's spent on our services, we just want to build something for this guy. Hand the full monty over to him with some bonuses (perhaps a Channing Tatum cuddle). Raise up the peace sign (and perhaps release a dove holding that twig, you know for the effect), & be OUT!
But NO ONE on the team knows how to break the news.
We know he's going to be hurt, but not surprised.
We know it might affect his confidence afterwards.
We know it's going to be awkward.
Like sitting next to a couple, in a restaurant, who are having an all out war at their table.
So you don't look, and you pretend you don't hear her call him a "rat bastard" and her a "garage sale Barbie".
Yeah, that kind of awkward. Though good burns...
PLEASE lay down your guidance!
What should we do????
And give it to us verbatim, ladies! There is an excellent chance that this "So You Thought We We're Gonna be Long-Term" conversation (perhaps a Slack message if I cop out), will be a copy & paste situation.