Seeking career growth & development advice. I run Ops (BizOps & People Ops) at a startup, but came from a non-traditional path after practicing law for nearly 10 years. Legal questions arise (all the time), so I lean-in on a variety of those that we do not rely on outside counsel to handle. I like the comfort and familiarity of legal questions and because I know, at the very least, where to go/who to ask to find answers. On the other hand, I feel the stretch of my comfort zone when I'm in the BizOps realm around things like mastering finance, revenue and data. :grimacing: #math
I'm learning a ton, don't get me wrong... and it's great experience, I do not want to discount that... but it has me questioning if there's a continued growth path in Ops. I'm spending a lot of time (too much time?) on tactical items and gap filling skills, rather than SME-ing on things I know more about. From a career development perspective, how do you evaluate if it's time to lean in on what you know and focus on snowballing growth there? Versus more of a "grab-bag" of various skills approach?