
Lean in on strengths... or stretch comfort zone?

Seeking career growth & development advice. I run Ops (BizOps & People Ops) at a startup, but came from a non-traditional path after practicing law for nearly 10 years. Legal questions arise (all the time), so I lean-in on a variety of those that we do not rely on outside counsel to handle. I like the comfort and familiarity of legal questions and because I know, at the very least, where to go/who to ask to find answers. On the other hand, I feel the stretch of my comfort zone when I'm in the BizOps realm around things like mastering finance, revenue and data. :grimacing: #math

I'm learning a ton, don't get me wrong... and it's great experience, I do not want to discount that... but it has me questioning if there's a continued growth path in Ops. I'm spending a lot of time (too much time?) on tactical items and gap filling skills, rather than SME-ing on things I know more about. From a career development perspective, how do you evaluate if it's time to lean in on what you know and focus on snowballing growth there? Versus more of a "grab-bag" of various skills approach?

I’m following this with great interest as I’m in a similar situation - I have a deep design background and it’s so comfy to fall back there, versus pushing in with more strategy/digital transformation which is what I do now. I’m not sure there’s a wrong answer, and I’ve actually been trying to think of ways to combine the best parts of both verticals…not sure if that’s an option?
I think one approach is to set a time limit - try something new-ish for a year and see where you like to spend time. If after a year you still find yourself asking this question it’s probably because you enjoy the other work more and realize there’s more growth / personal satisfaction there for you.
Hi @Kelsey108, I think its less about leaning in on 'what you know' but rather what is your affinities, tendencies, natural strengths, what you're great at/natural at, and enjoy doing. 1) You want a role that fits with the style of the work and what you're like. 2) Then, you can consider industry as far as what product/service/mission aligns with you that you find important/interesting3) Then, you want to consider company environment/culture - what it looks/feels like to work there That's how I think about career exploration!BTW, I'm Rachel, a Career Coach (, and I offer a ton of free videos and blogs on my website here - I help with: a) seeking clarity on your best fit/ideal career path or next step/direction, b) debating upskiling opportunities, c) improving your personal branding, d) pursuing a strategic job search (for similar roles or for bigger pivots) or e) advancing along your path and navigating your current workplace and more! Let me know if you'd like a free initial career coaching call -->