The Budget Breakdown aims to broaden the conversation on money and offer insights into various approaches to spending, saving, and investing.
✨ Want to share your monthly budget breakdown with us? Please fill out this form here and we will get back to you (can be posted anonymously like this one 😉).
💰 Income
Monthly Net Income: $13,620 (joint household income with partner)
🏡 Monthly Fixed Expenses (shared with partner)
Mortgage: $2,719
Utilities (Electricity, Water, Gas): $427
Internet: $65
Car payment and gas: $937
Home and car insurance: $308
Student Loans: $131
App subscriptions, Prime, credit card fees, and budgeting software: $77
🛒 Monthly Variable Expenses (shared with partner)
Groceries: $515
Eating Out (Restaurants, Bars): $110
Entertainment (Movies, Events, Hobbies): $300
Clothing: $150
Personal Care: $125
Travel: $2,200 (we do lots of traveling around Europe)
Other: $120 partner’s work expenses
💸 Monthly Savings and Investments (shared with partner)
Emergency Fund Contributions: $620
Retirement Savings (401(k)/Pension, IRA/Roth IRA): $1,770 (comes out before my partner gets his paycheck, so not coming from net income)
Investments (Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Real Estate): $3,220
🎁 Monthly miscellaneous (shared with partner)
Pet Care: $200 for our two cats
Therapy & gym membership: $350
Home (furniture, etc.): $1,700
⚖️ Final balance (shared with partner)
Total income: $13,620
Total expenses: $12,074
Final balance: $1,546
We do zero-based budgeting, so all extra money either flexes to categories we spent more on that month, towards sinking funds like saving for a new car, or to build up the emergency fund, which we’re still working on.
💭 Money Reflections
1. How much does tracking your personal finances influence your spending, saving, and investing habits?
I grew up pretty poor, so my natural tendency is to hoard all the money I make (not even investing for retirement) and not spend money on anything fun since it isn’t a “need”. Tracking my personal finances has actually helped me spend more because I know that we have our bases covered with emergency funds, investing for retirement, and saving for all expenses so nothing ever catches us by surprise.
2. Is there anything you wish you would spend less money on?
Classic new homeowner expenses - I wish we didn’t spend so much on furniture and home items.
3. What do you consider important to spend money on?
While I’m living in Europe, it’s really important for me to spend money on travel and vacations. I won’t be here for long, and when I’m back in the US it will be much more expensive to travel to Europe.
4. Do you have any short-term or long-term financial goals?
Short-term goal is to increase my retirement savings to 25% of my gross income. I’m at ~20% right now. I also want to have my car paid off in the next two years (or else I can’t send it back to the US!). My only long-term goal is to feel comfortable. I want to have enough in investments that I can take breaks from working if I want, and travel without worrying about costs.
5. What was your relationship with money like growing up? Did you talk about it with your parents/caregivers?
Money was a big issue growing up. My parents were under a lot of stress trying to make things work, and they would always tell me and my siblings that we couldn’t afford things, so we were very aware of the financial issues we were facing. This made my relationship with money insecure, which is something that I’m still working on.
6. Did you receive any formal or informal financial education growing up? If yes, where did you learn to manage your personal finances?
No, I didn’t get any financial education. I learned everything I know about budgeting and saving for retirement about a year after starting my first full-time job. I’m the kind of person who watches a lot of YouTube, so I found a couple of channels that talk about saving for retirement and I just watched a bunch of videos. I also read a couple of books. Some of my suggestions if you’re curious:
- The Money Guys - a couple of financial advisors with a YouTube channel/podcast
- I Will Teach You To Be Rich - book by Ramit Sethi
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing - book by John C. Bogel
- personalfinanceclub - Instagram account with interesting posts
- YNAB (you need a budget) - budgeting app, also has a great YouTube channel. Of course, I’m no financial expert so vet these folks on your own (you really have to be careful with “financial influencers”), but I found these ones super helpful.
💡 Ask the community
I’m at the stage where I have very specific questions about my situation, and I don’t know where to go. Namely, I’m a US citizen living and working outside the US, which brings its own complicated tax situation. I also work at a startup and get stock options, and quite honestly I don’t know what to do with them. I’d love to learn more about how other folks seek financial advice, especially without getting a financial advisor or something to manage their money. I’m definitely not at that stage, I just need a little help managing my own situation.