
Product management mentorship


I was wondering if someone knows what some well-known mentorship programs in the tech industry? I'm interested in Product Management mentorship as I'm trying to prepare for my next promotion.

I found the WEST mentorship program, any other ones out there worth knowing about?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Urpi, I work in Product and am also as a career coach. Happy to chat about a potential mentorship if it fits your needs. Fee free to DM to setup a short call so we can chat and see if there's a fit.
This is not a program per se but it's a resource you can check out to find (for free) product mentors!
Also tagging @mmasha who is looking at doing the same pivot :)
thank you for this - I find myself in a predicament that is common (technical lead vs product management vs people management) that this site addresses. much appreciated!