Looking for Fundraising SaaS to Facilitate Donations to Schools
Hello! I am looking for an automated solution to facilitate donations to public schools. Ideally, a user would select a public school (anywere in the US) and through our organization, a donation would be made to the school of their choosing. We are a for-profit company that is looking to help encourage donations through a program we're running. I have seen great businesses like Classy that do this for nonprofits, but I have not come across any that would enable us to make donations to the schools. Have you used anything like this? ANY advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi @ChristyShannon I’d love to speak to you more about this. At PlanSocial.app we already process online donations for school PTAs and have stories in our imminent pipeline to make further improvements to the donations feature. It would be great to collaborate or at least discuss ideas. DM me to arrange a chat? Hope to hear from you!
Hi @tesmacp! Thank you for your response. I would love to talk more. I will DM you my contact information. Looking forward to it.