
Recommendations for solopreneurial and deep-focus supportive project management software?

Hello, everyone!

I'm a solopreneur, and I'm looking for recommendations for MAC compatible project management software.

I need something easy to access (ideally with hot keys for task management) that integrates with Docusign, Stripe, and AirTable (where my CRM currently lives).

Minimal notifications to keep me focused, maximum visibility when I look.

Templated task types would be a game changer for me.

Everything seems to for large team collaboration or very niche in functionality. I'm open to any suggestions that make your day-to-days notably easier!

FWIW: I'm familiar with ClickUp, Insightly, Asana, Monday, Notion, and Teamwork. I actually build interfaces for other creative teams frequently. But because I'm so in that headspace on what it can do for bigger teams, I'm completely blind to the potential for my own solopreneurial workflow. Currently, I'm working within those Docusign, Stripe, and AirTable dashboards without connectivity.

Thank you!

You could all your tasks on Google sheets for people to collaborate on. We are a small company and I use Jira as well as google docs. for PM
You've pointed to a real need in the market place. I am just struggling with Trello but that's barely enough; I've tried Leantime but the UI is a little underwhelming. I wonder if using Zapier could help - I don't know if it brings everything over into another system, but heard a lot about it that sounds good.
Hi @rosefriel have you tried Notion? I use it for some personal projects / my side gig, and it works well. I haven't tried to integrate it with something different from Google Drive / docs, but maybe it could work. I did a quick search and I saw that there may be potential with Zapier -
this is VC centric BUT there might be some ideas there for you, (especially as you get recommendations and compare tools)
I've made my own software. I can share it if it's of interest.