
Fertility Care & Self Love Event with Kindbody!

Hi Elphas! I wanted to share this empowering event that we did at Kindbody last week around all things fertility & self love! Kindbody Partner and Meditation Instructor, Sofia Adler, lead a mediation to kick off the event. Self-Love Advocate & Influencer, Chinae Alexander, shared her own egg freezing journey and how she came out stronger and more confident that ever. The fertility and wellness experts at Elanza Wellness shared a few self-love tips and some fun survey findings around egg freezing while dating. Kindbody Partner and The Fertility Advantage Founder, Raquel Hammonds, addressed barriers to reproduction by exploring the root cause of subfertility/infertility and share best practice for taking care of your self during this journey.Link to the event: sure to watch to peak behind the curtain of egg freezing, how it works, and steps you can take to plan ahead! Please reach out if you have any questions about family-planning and how Kindbody can help you on your journey!- Rachel
Thanks for sharing @RachelBecker - this is something I've been curious to learn more about and I'm sure others want to as well!
I’d love to connect with you + hear more about kindbody + their mission Rachel! 🌱I can’t seem to dm you?