Hi all! My name is Rebecca and I started Gapwhiz with a team of university students and recent grads. (Website: www.gapwhiz.com, Instagram: @gapwhiz, Linked in: Gapwhiz). We support students seeking internships, part time roles and graduate jobs. We are also a network of over 10,000 students and ambassadors. We are looking to collaborate with businesses looking to recruit students and graduates for work opportunities. If you’re interested in finding out more please email at [email protected]. Thank you!
Looking to connect with companies seeking to recruit for internships, part-time roles and graduate jobshttps://www.gapwhiz.com
Looking to connect with companies seeking to recruit for internships, part-time roles and graduate jobshttps://www.gapwhiz.com
Rebecca136·Jul 10, 2023
Posted in:PromosStartupsCareer Growth
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Remote or in person internships, part time roles and graduate jobs for students and recent graduates
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Learning to honor myself after a career setback
In science we fail so we can succeed – here's my take as a Biomedical Eng. PhD student, data science hobbyist and Elpha Community Manager
Seeking mentors for student mentorship programme
Internships, volunteer and graduate job opportunities collaboration
Remote or in person internships, part time roles and graduate jobs for students and recent graduates
How motherhood can supercharge your career
Maternity Leave