
Navigating Career Transitions In Tech

I'm giving a free live workshop on Tuesday the 19th and just wrote up the slides.

Y'all. It's going to be SO good and I want to share it with Elpha because I bet a number of you are in tech and thinking about *what's next*

A bit about me:

I spent 10+ years in tech as a software engineer, engineering manager, and founder. I now run my own business as a coach for women in tech and, consultant for tech orgs.

I totally, totally get the entitled culture of tech and the paralyzing imposter syndrome that comes with it. Yay!

If you're curious and this is resonating with you, c'mon by!

Last time I played a killer intro playlist and someone said "can confirm this workshop has already created shifts, change, and forward momentum" (the dream!)

You can sign up here to join the live call:

Thank you for sharing, Sarah!
Replying on a Saturday, @iynna! Why!