
UX Design Coursera Certification

I'm looking for information on getting my certifiction in UX Design. Is getting an entry level job without any experience possible? Anything else you can share about working in the field, good, not so good, and what types of personalities are successful would be helpful. I don't have a background in IT. My past work experience is in the computer software training and advertising areas, Also, I'm over 50 and need to get back into the workforce after being unemployed due to Covid. I'm looking to have a better skill set that's in demand and would be a good fit for me.

Thank you!

I think it's entirely ok for entry level job candidate to lack prior work experiences. More importantly, it's about your portfolio of work that can demonstrate ability in UX design. As for personalities, perhaps a core trait that I find to really benefit designers is their capacity for empathy.
Thank you Teresa. I agree and appreciate your reply. Have a great weekend!
@L11 as @teresaman also mentioned, portfolio is actually what makes you employable in design I believe. And being a bit unconventional in your job search.I was reminded of this post I saw the other day, what do you think - is he employable? Good luck!