If you've ready every time hack in the book but yet still find yourself feeling unproductive, sluggish and with a long to-do list, this might be the event for you.Out of Hours is the community for people with side projects, and we are delighted to be joined by Laura Giurge - Postdoctoral Research Fellow at London Business School focusing on time, happiness, and the future of work, and Brad Aeon - expert in time management - to discuss the latest in research-backed time management skills.We'll be explaining why creating temporal boundaries between our personal and professional life matters, why distractions and our false sense of urgency places burdens on us and others, and what is the mysterious role of 'time crafting' in helping us focus.We'll also discuss why working during time off is bad and what it does to our motivation for our work.We'll leave with insights on:- Time management - beyond the productivity hacks- How can we be productive without burning out- How to segment time for work / side projects / socialGet ready to find a renewed energy for your schedule, and for new ways to actually get things done, whilst feeling in control of your time... all for 10 dollars!