Everyone talks about Product-Market Fit - but few founders know the steps to find it quickly. And more importantly, KEEP FINDING IT.
Want to learn how to build a product engine in your company that's autonomous, data-driven, and highly tactical?
On January 10 at 11am EDT, I'm going to teach LIVE how to de-risk investment and accelerate success by building a PMF flywheel.
Instead of taking the trial and error, hit or miss, or “I hope this is right” approach
👉🏻 to knowing all of the skills, the metrics, and the processes that you need to follow to reach Product/Market Fit faster.
During this masterclass I’m going to teach you:
- What is Product Market Fit?
- Product Market Fit metrics
- A method of reaching PMF quickly
- How to define your MVP properly to reduce the cost and time of development
- A framework for releasing code more often so you can learn faster
- A tactic you can use to improve your product
REGISTER HERE 👉🏻 https://www.techspeakforentrepreneurs.com/how-to-find-product-market-fit-quickly/?utm_source=elpha