
Evaluating next steps in your career? Free workshop on 9/21 on why the odds are you'll stick out your current role longer than you should and what to do about it

Over my 20-year career, I've made several career pivots: law > management consulting > public health > start-up founder > Google > start-up founder.

The through-line has always been recognizing when something isn't right anymore and doing the work to search for what is.

It's always fascinated me how we make decisions whether to make a change. And now with the Great Resignation and quiet quitting, it's becoming even more topical.

I've been researching this, as part of building the curriculum for a course I'm teaching, and wanted to share what I've learned with anyone interested in the Elpha community.

The reality is: we, as humans, are biologically wired against making a change!

I'm offering a free workshop on Sept 21 at 5pm PT where I'll share why it's impossible to be objective about the decision to make a change. There are cognitive biases that are getting in your way, and we'll talk about what they are and how to counter them.

Register here:

p.s. full disclosure: this workshop is a preview of my full course: Launchpad for the Next Chapter of your Career, which I'm teaching with Maven. Video preview here.

This is super intriguing and I'd love to join, however I won't be able to dial in at that time, so wondering if it'll be recorded OR hosted on a future date?
Hi Angla2, I'll record and depending on demand, may offer it again! Thanks for the interest. I recommend you sign up anyway so I have your info to share the recording or next date with you.
I have signed up, so looking forward to the recording, thanks so much! πŸ™Œ
Just emailed you the recording!
Just sent you my email via Luma's chat ✨ as I don't think I've seen it yet in my inbox. TY so much!