
Overcoming Overwork Panel

Did you know that studies have shown that overwork stands as the leading cause of work-related stress, affecting millions worldwide? In our fast-paced society, the pressure to excel often leads to burnout, reduced productivity, and impacted overall well-being.

Whether long hours are the norm or your company is dealing with constant emergencies and understaffing, everyone faces endless to-do lists and emails. If this sounds too familiar this panel discussion Overcoming Overwork is for you.

Join us as we explore strategies and insights to reclaim balance, prioritize self-care, and be successful in the demanding landscape of modern work culture.

This is the next Workplace Wisdom Sessions: Perspectives on Today's Issues. A series of panels featuring experts in work topics that impact you most. We'll share perspectives, actionable tips, and answer pressing questions.

The following experts will be able to share insights that will help start the change:

  • Dana Zellers: Host | Executive Coach - Dana is a certified Executive Coach hired by busy corporate professionals overloaded with responsibilities to succeed at work and stop sacrificing their personal lives.
  • Janice Litvin: Burnout Speaker - Janice Litvin is on a mission to help leaders and teams banish burnout in their organizations so they can enhance engagement, retention, and productivity.
  • Dr. Serena Goldstein: Naturopathic Doctor - Dr. Serena works with those experiencing weight gain, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, stress and mood who want to learn more of long-term health and what your body is saying beyond the physical symptom.
  • Dr. Susan Lovelle: Founder & CEO Balanced Performance - Dr. Susan Lovelle, a former award-winning plastic surgeon, is the Founder of Balanced Performance where she blends medical expertise with holistic wellness to enhance the daily performance of busy executives and the teams they lead.

Come with questions, Wednesday, May 22, 12-1 pm pacific/3-4 pm eastern. Time doesn't work? Register anyway and we'll get you the replay.

I LOVED the conversation today, Dana! Thank you so much for bringing such relevant and inspiring voices together. So much wisdom in the "room"! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
Thanks, I'm glad it really resonated for you! I love bringing people together. Stay tuned for the next one :)