
Is Strong Work Ethic a two way street?

A recent CNN article explored the concept of a strong work ethic, highlighting a study by ADP that positions it as the TOP skill companies seek when hiring. The study defines it as being "punctual, organized and efficient" - qualities that are certainly valuable. But interestingly, the study also emphasizes the importance of employees being willing to "go the extra mile". Wanting this type of dedication makes sense, but is the expectation a two-way street?Many job seekers encounter long interview processes with radio silence after investing significant time and effort. Layoffs communicated solely via email and burnout caused by internal politics, excessive bureaucracy and unmanageable workloads are increasingly common experiences. This creates a contradiction. Companies want employees who go the extra mile, while often not reciprocating that commitment (a key reason "loyalty" does not exist).Building a dedicated and productive team requires mutual respect and investment from both employer and employee. Let's not forget that employment is a two-way street - employees contribute their time, skills and energy and employers provide compensation and a work environment that fosters well-being and growth. When this exchange feels imbalanced, with employees feeling they're not being fairly compensated (not just financially), it can breed resentment and hinder overall success. A strong work ethic is great, but it thrives in a culture of mutual respect and fair exchange. What do you think? Is a strong work ethic a two-way street?

(reference article:

Thanks for sharing this! I find it a very interesting topic. I think a strong work ethic should be a two-way street, but it isn't in all cases. I've noticed that when I have a manage who is dedicated and works hard, it motivates me to put more time and energy into my work. However, since I'm naturally a hard worker, even when my manager doesn't work hard I still want to do a good job.
And what a great awareness to have on how your manager impacts you. It sounds like when your manager is in it with you then it's gives you a bit more of a boost to your already natural inclination to excellence. I'm curious what has you equality work ethic to being a hard worker?
1000% a two-way street, as a manager, I expect the people who I work with to bring their A GAME But this is also my commitment to them.I can't stand sloppiness, which means I too can't and won't be sloppy!
Love the perspective you have! One question for you - what about the larger organization - aka - C-Suite, HR, etc?
Hm! I will preface by saying that I have limited experience in large organisation (like the only large place i ever work at was the UN but outside of that, I'm more used to smaller structure / startup like) My guess is the folks at the C-suite are not just executive employees, they are the leaders so what they do/ say will directly influence the culture of the company (for better or for worst)! If the leaders have a natural strong work ethic, it will likely be reflected in the people who report directly to them (SVP, VP and so on) who will also strive to build teams of people who at point have showed a strong work ethic.So for instance, take someone like Jeff Bezos, it's been showed that the guy has a pretty strong work ethic or that he at least tends to work very hard, and it shows when looking at the culture of the org. and even the way they hire. Hate it or love it, it's partly what has allowed Amazon to seriously crush it business-wise.
I love the thoughts shared, not just because of their relevance, but because the fact that this discussion is happening means that awareness is building and suggests a shift if coming. This part, "internal politics, excessive bureaucracy and unmanageable workloads" - These dynamics are RAMPANT in SO many spaces. And most people are suffering as a result of it. It's easy to forget that humans are creating these systems that others feel at the mercy of, and a lot of them are suffering from the same unrealistic expectations, lack of value, lack of fulfillment or purpose, over-giving, over-caring (I'm not implying one shouldn't care, more that we too often take ownership for things beyond what's "helpful"), and working well beyond their own capacity. As for a strong work ethic, and whether it's a two way street...... I heard something recently that I can not only unhear, but is blowing my mind in its simplicity and importance. When did we allow our work ethic to supersede our WORTH ethic? Our personal WORTH is suffering. Period. When we make WORK more important than WORTH (by both setting the standard AND/OR receiving the standard), we're sacrificing value in many ways, both professionally AND personally. We're perpetuating unsustainable ways of being that continue to lower the bar on our quality of life (and therefore lower the bar on satisfaction and fulfillment via employment). Here's food for thought. Does your work place APPRECIATE you? Or do they VALUE you? In my experience there IS a difference. Appreciation is the acknowledgement of your value. But actual valuing of the individual happens when that appreciation goes one step further and you are INVESTED in (whether it be words of affirmation, mentoring, pay increase, benefits, leadership opportunities, or any other number of things). Is the current day work ethic a double standard? Is something a double standard if the expectations on one side are met by compliance on the other side? Holding oneself to unacceptable standards says "low standard" to me, not double standard. If we don't allow the low standard, if we don't accept it, take part in it, most likely we've sought out spaces and opportunity that DOES reflect the values we expect for ourselves. Change is scary. Disrupting the status quo isn't for the faint of heart. And how safe someone feels affecting positive change depends on their own psychological safety, their past experiences, their individual character, and many other things. And...... work ethic. Is is actually work ethic? Or is it DOING ethic? Cause MAN are we good at making it hard on ourselves AND staying busy. To what end........
@jamiemartin what are your thoughts 😊?