I am seeking some help thinking through a decision. In September I quit my job without another offer due to lack of work-life balance with my new baby. Since then I have been interviewing for new roles thAt are of more interest to me. When I started my job search I wanted to shift into the tech space (industry not role), and work for a global organization. Work-life balance still a huge priority. I received an offer from an established mid-sized company (no brand recognition) That is not global or in the tech space. I also
have some final interviews pending (with companies that are tech but not global), and a great potential opportunity (company tech and global...also my dream company) that wont start the interview process until late this week or next week.
while this offer is financially less than the other things that are on the table, I'd really enjoy the role, the manager is lovely, and they have treated me well during the interview process. They even increased the offer by $10k upon me telling them I had other things pending.
Is it my FOMO that has me wanting to accept this offer? Or is it too risky to turn down a sure thing for something that may not happen?
accepting the offer while I wait for the dream seems inconsiderate to me.
The company that extended the offer (on Friday) is wanting an answer soon.
Any advice?