
I'm hosting a free event on remote interviewing

I'm co-hosting a FREE event on remote hiring as a partnership between Women in Data and Filtered.aiRemote interviewing has emerged as part of the "new normal" and we want to give women a leg-up in learning this new skill. Women in Data is a non-profit dedicated to increasing diversity in the data industray, and Filtered offers companies an online hiring platform. Together, we're offering insights on what makes remote candidates stand out in a virtual crowd.The event is free, inclusive, and action-oriented! Please join us as we build the skills to succeed in the uncertain future.====COVID-19 means that most of us looking for a job today will interview and join teams without meeting anyone at the company in person. Remote hiring has trended upwards for years and thanks to the pandemic, now looks like it will become the most common hiring method. To help women succeed in this "new normal" Women in Data and have partnered to present a FREE event on remote hiring and interviewing. I'm the Lead Organizer for the SF Chapter of Women in Data, and our mission is to increase diversity in the data industry. That said, is an online hiring platform for all types of jobs with companies in many verticals and the insights offered will apply to remote hiring in any field. I really hope this community will get a lot of value out of this offering. Times are tough-- keep your head up! Your next opportunity may be only a zoom or two away~~
Hey Micaela! Thanks for sharing this! I've merged your posts together given it's for the same event and copied the content over to this post, feel free to edit as necessary!I've also cross-posted it in Events (you can do the same by adding more communities under "Choose communities in which to share your posts").