
13 Things to Do the First Week of A New Remote Job If You Want to Be Successful

Hello Dear Elpha'sI hope you're well.I recently was asked to contribute to this article on how to make an impact during your first week when starting a new remote job. My tip is 11 Show up — in every sense — for virtual company events.I'll be repeating my Career Transitions Webinar in September. So please sign-up to the newsletter if you want to join me. Here's the link: out the article here: hope it helps you settle into your new job. If you need help with Career change or transition, please get in touch.Warm Regards,Ekua 💛LI:
I was curious about this but can’t read the article, a popup shows up with no X to close it 🤷🏻‍♀️
I see that as well! Looks like you need to sign up for an account.
Yeah, not gonna happen