
Share current CTC

I have 10 years of experience in Product and Strategy and have earned more than half of my experience in USA. I have recently shifted to India and looking for opportunities in product management - for data platform, developer tools, APIs.

One behavior I have noticed is the curiousity of HRs around your last CTC. Given that last earned salary was in dollars, it's not comparable to what one would earn in local currency (1USD = 82INR). How should I answer those questions?

On a side note, if someone is hiring in India, I would love to be your ally and contribute to your passion in building viable and valuable products

Hm that is a super interesting discussion! What about comparing with someone in a similar role with similar years of exp.?And are you looking at companies that are international with offices in India, these usually have some kind of equivalences.
I am open to both - local companies (apparently a lot of startups have emerged in India in past 5 years) and the big US companies with their offices in India. When the salaries are compared, as you said, they would still not match anywhere near.
If your US salary is much higher than similar roles pay in India (after converting w/ exchange rate), then I would simply tell them. If they are using your previous compensation to anchor their offer (which they shouldn't do, anyway), this will remove any usefulness for them. If it's much higher and you think they would dismiss your application, then you can explain the differences in pay rates and say that you OF COURSE are looking for competitive compensation in India and you understand it will be lower.If your US salary is around the ballpark of what those roles pay in India, then you may want to evade giving a number, and there's lots of advice around the internet for how to do that.
Thanks for sharing your perspective ๐Ÿ˜Š I believe I would stick to sharing the US compensation as it is.