
[Live Webinar] Building a sticky, scalable products - Tues, Jan 9 @ 11am EST

Everyone talks about Product-Market Fit - but few founders know the steps to find it quickly. And more importantly, KEEP FINDING IT.

Want to learn how to build a product engine in your company that's autonomous, data-driven, and highly tactical?

Tuesday, January 9 at 11am EST, I'm going to teach LIVE how to de-risk investment and accelerate success by building a PMF flywheel.

Imagine, instead of taking the trial and errorhit or miss, or “I hope this is right” approach…

To knowing all of the skills, the metrics, and the processes that you need to follow to reach Product/Market Fit faster.

Workshop details are below:


How to find Product Market Fit Quickly and what are the metrics that will tell you you've reached product/market fit


Tues, January 9 at 11am EST


  • What is Product Market Fit?
  • Product Market Fit metrics
  • A method of reaching PMF quickly
  • How to define your MVP properly to reduce the cost and time of development
  • A framework for releasing code more often so you can learn faster
  • A tactic you can use to improve your product