
How do working moms do it all ?

Hello ! I am a mom of a toddler and working in a high demanding role so is my husband. We don't have family or super close friends around or any sort of a support system really. My son has been sick and we have been struggling to manage work and a sick kid so much that we have been fighting a lot. How do working moms do this ? I am so guilty that I am being a bad mom for having to even think how I am going to move around my meetings to take care of my child. i know family comes first and that at times like this one should just prioritize family over work but I am also new in my current job and trying to establish credibility. I can't afford to work more than 8 hours as my child needs my attention once he is home from daycare.. This work life balance stress is taking a toll on my mental health. any tips, tricks or advice is welcome !

Almost-toddler mom here! I'm right there with you, being torn between wanting to spend time with my baby and being dedicated to my job. Do you have a management structure where you can propose flexing hours? I work 11-7, I spend the mornings with my son and then we have a caregiver at home while I log on, my husband logs off at 5 and then I join them for dinner.
its nice that you have a schedule but remember that its more important to be actually ‘present’ to really be there. Not on your phone or thinking abt other things. Its about giving undivided attention.
its about being clear on your priorities and decide based on that. Example, if your family or child is number 1, no meeting or work related event can make you cancel an important event involving your child. It sounds easy but really difficult to maintain esp. if your job or even personal goal is giving you too much pressure.