
Looking for people to review STEM children’s book

Hi there -

Does anyone want to review a girls in STEM kids book?

Particularly looking for accomplished engineers, people who struggled and parents of (hopefully) future engineers and kids in STEM.

Or anyone who just loves engineering!

hi boo! So excited about this! Send us the pre-order link too ;) @andreamedina @ektadhobley @LiYang @Forum @megankallis @tprestas @harshinibusireddy @priyankythomas @mishkazala are all engineers, unsure about the parents status but hopefully they can help with reviewing the book!
I would love to help review the book. I am not a parent, but definitely struggled (and still figuring it out).
Hi @mishkazala - Really sorry to hear about your struggles. What would have been helpful? Would be happy to talk more about what you experienced, and how you overcame! You can sign-up to review here:
Thank you, @iynna. Cannot tell you how much I appreciate you! Here is the link with more info about the book:
Hi! What kind of reviewing? A book review or editing? Or someone to review the technical aspects of instruction?
Hi @Jackie144 - That is a great question. Any feedback at all is welcome, but mostly would love for people to tell us how they like the book! You can sign-up to review here: for the Apply link.
Hi @Rosi, I'm a former middle school science teacher and parent of two elementary-school-age kids. Now I'm a learning designer of virtual interactive STEM case studies for an educational tech company. This project sounds fun! I'd be happy to help. Carrie
Hi @carrieadler - Wow! You sound like a great fit to take a look. You can sign-up to review here: for the Apply link.
Also not a parent but if that doesn’t matter I would be happy to help
Hi @tprestas - Definitely not necessary to be a parent to review. I trust @iynna's judgment. You can sign-up to review here: for the apply link
Hi, Rosi! I would love to review the book. I am not a parent but had my share of struggles to get to where I am.
Hi @harshinibusireddy - Yay! I am really glad to hear that you're able to review and sign-up. I would be happy to hear about your struggles, what you learned and how you overcame. You can sign-up to review here: for the Apply link
Done! Looking forward to hearing back. I’m really glad that you’re taking steps in educating young minds about staying curious and aiming upward!
I'm a parent (of a just-under-two-year-old) and I struggled with STEM and would be happy to review it!
Hi @krystinmorgan - Congrats on your little one! I am sorry to hear about your struggles in STEM. It seems to be a common theme. I would be interested to hear about it, how you overcame, what would have helped, etc. You can sign-up to review here: for the Apply link
great, done just now! thanks!
I’m a former math/science teacher and would love to review your book!
Hi @beckygeorge - Oh goodness, that would be amazing. Here is a link to get the pre-view copy: > Apply
Hi Rosi! I have a PhD in Chemistry and currently work across disciplines in Bioengineering, Materials, Photophysics, and medical diagnostics at Imperial College in London. I'd be happy to help!
Wow, @LeahFrenette. What a resume! It's an honor to have you review. Thank you!The link to review is here: for the Apply link.
I am a former elementary educator turned software engineer. Would be happy to review!
Hi @LaurenLucero - Wow! Your input would be invaluable. Thank you so much! The link to review is here: for the Apply link.
Hi Rosi, I would love to review your book. I'm a writer, ex-engineer and a PM!
@harshinirajacha - Woohoo! So excited. I am curious why an ex engineer? Can someone ever stop? Go to this link and click on Apply: https://curioius.rosehaft.comThank you so much!
Happy to help! I'm a (new) parent and my husband was a mechanical engineer/I'm adjacent to industrial engineering
Hi @hilarypauli - Congrats on the addition to the family. Would love for you to review! Go to this link and click on Apply: https://curioius.rosehaft.comThank you so much!
Hi Rosi — this post made me smile and I'm genuinely happy that there are efforts such as this going in to help guide little girls from a young age. I'm a founder of a SaaS start-up, not a mother yet (but an aunt to many little ones), and hence I have personal interests in helping with reviewing. If you're still looking for people, count me in.
@theresemaggie - Yay! Really glad to see it made you smile. Definitely trying to do what I can to encourage more people to see women, and themselves in engineering roles! Would love for you to review if you have time!Click on Apply:
Hey Rosi, I tried clicking on the link a few times and I see"This site can’t be reached". This happened today and twice last week.
Hi there, how wonderful!! I am an engineer. Now business (MBA). Daughter who is borderline STEM :) Would love to help review the book if you’re still looking for people.
Hi @alifya - Definitely still looking. Would love to have you review. Would love to know what inspired you to switch. Click on Apply:
I did my Masters in an engineering and then the MBA as I was interested in the applications of Tech and new business models. In part this was to advance my career as well. It’s been a fun ride. Super connected to engineering and feel strongly about bringing more women into STEM. Love what you’re doing.