
A Guide to Managing Your Life as an EntrepreneurFeatured

Being an entrepreneur is undoubtedly rewarding, but it is a journey filled with unexpected challenges. As I embarked on this path, I encountered setbacks, navigated through uncertainties and made some tough decisions; all of this while also fulfilling the roles of a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend and an individual. I often find my life to be a constant act of juggling between managing startups, family responsibilities, and personal well-being. Perhaps, that’s why people don’t envy the life of entrepreneurs, at least in the initial days.

This article is dedicated to fellow entrepreneurs, especially women who seek advice and solutions to effectively manage their businesses while juggling family responsibilities and maintaining their personal well-being. Through practical strategies and personal insights, we will explore from an entrepreneur’s perspective how to stay productive by adjusting the work environment, making contingency plans, and establishing clear boundaries to thrive in both professional and personal spheres.

Adjust Your Work Environment and Schedule

Time management is of the essence when managing different roles and responsibilities. My startup life changed dramatically after my kids’ arrival and I spent sleepless nights and long days trying to find an agreeable balance between my work and personal life. That’s when I learned that the ability to adapt quickly is essential.

One effective way to respond is by adjusting your work environment and schedule to accommodate unpredictable shifts in responsibilities. Remember, flexibility is the key!

Being flexible with your work environment and schedule can be a game-changer as an entrepreneur. For instance, I once faced a situation where my baby was hospitalised and that was also the time we had launched the product in the US. It was an intense phase as, on the one hand, I was excited to show the world what we had built, but on the other hand, I was barely breathing given my baby’s condition. To adapt, I created a dedicated workspace in the hospital room, to be near my baby and constantly monitor him. I shifted my work hours, focusing intensely on business when my baby slept and was enjoying his playtime and then dedicating the rest of the time to him when he needed me.

This flexibility allowed me to maintain productivity while being present for my baby during a challenging time, demonstrating the importance of adapting your work environment and schedule to meet both personal and professional needs.

Make Contingency Plans

As a leader in your startup, it's essential to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Staff attrition, for instance, can have an immediate impact on your team, especially when critical roles or high-profile projects are affected. Filling these gaps can be a daunting task, potentially leading to a temporary redistribution of responsibilities and increased workloads for others.

In the initial phase of starting up, we hired a senior position in the company. Our new hire said all the right things, understood all the right problems and had all the skills necessary to perform. But, there was no cultural fit and it weighed the entire team down. Although bad hires in the initial days are inevitable, my mistake was to not have a contingency plan or identify a potential backup capable of fulfilling the role.

Consequently, when we had to part ways with the senior hire, I found myself shouldering the additional workload, as there was no readily available replacement. This experience reinforced the necessity of having a backup plan in place, ensuring that the departure of a team member doesn't disrupt the flow of operations in a growing startup.

Keep Your Home and Work Life Separate

Maintaining a clear boundary between home and work life is a paramount principle for entrepreneurs, and one lesson I've learned from personal experience underscores its significance. Like everyone else during the pandemic, I also operated primarily from my home office, initially believing it to enhance productivity and save overhead costs. However, this convenience came at a price.

Over time, I noticed that the line between work and personal life had blurred to the point where I felt like I was constantly on the clock. Family time became intertwined with business calls, and leisure moments became opportunities to check emails. This lack of separation took a toll on both my productivity and my relationships.

Recognising the need for a change, I established specific office hours and adhered to them. I trained myself to work during these dedicated timeframes and avoided accepting calls or checking emails after hours. What I realised is that when you commit to these boundaries, your customers and clients will likely follow suit, understanding and respecting your schedule.

Creating a separate work area, whether inside your home or outside of the office space, is another important step. Once the workday is over, close the door to your office. This symbolic act helps transition from work mode to personal time. The impact was profound. My focus during work hours increased, and my ability to unwind and recharge improved significantly.


In uncertain times, managing your startup, family, and personal well-being requires intentional strategies. Be prepared for the unknown and be willing to go beyond the call of duty. If you can't walk that extra mile chasing your dreams, no one else will.

Adjusting your work environment, making contingency plans, and setting clear boundaries are essential steps in navigating these challenges with ease. Embrace the love and support of your family, learn the power of saying "no," and prioritise self-care. By implementing these strategies and adapting them to your unique circumstances, you can embark on a journey of thriving amidst uncertainty.

Finally, doing is way better than simply optimising plans on paper. Launch fast, fail fast, optimise fast, experiment fast and repeat the process fast. Speed of execution is critical to our success.

I encourage you to share your own experiences and insights in the comments below. Let's foster a supportive community of resilient entrepreneurs who uplift and inspire one another. Together, we can overcome challenges and write our own success stories as entrepreneurs, making a lasting impact in our dynamic and ever-changing world.

Yes, love this for mom entrepreneurs-- taking advantage of the flexibility and making your schedule work for you is so so important. Being intentional about when you work and when you are present with family is also critical. Wishing all mamas out there progress in their business and presence in their parenting! I do believe we can have it all WITHOUT doing it all πŸ’œ