
Looking to connect and expand with a new mentor-mentee relationship

Hi Everyone,

I'm starting to work more with clients in content strategy roles requiring more responsibilities. For the past five years, I've been freelancing and collaborating with progressive organizations to educate and mobilize, such as developing content for a plastic reduction toolkit for new volunteers and experienced campaign leaders. Recent and current client collaborations include Sierra Club, Nectara, and the Georgia Center for Nonprofits.

I'm looking to foster a new relationship with a mentor who may offer guidance about further developing the following:

  • Leadership skills
  • Overcoming barriers and limiting imposter syndrome thoughts as a woman of color

Ideally, I'm hoping to cultivate a relationship based on reciprocity and alignment. I'd love to offer helpful knowledge from my areas of expertise for the past 20+ years, which involve teaching (mostly in higher ed), mentoring, content creation, nonprofits, working remotely, caregiving, navigating the workplace as a woman of color, and pro bono consulting

Please reach out to me here or at [email protected]. Thank you!



Hello Esther!Here is a thread we ran that might inspire you :)