Jobhunting teaches you a lot about yourself. I am currently pivoting careers and actively looking and realizing that the thing that is most challenging about this process is the things that you don't know what you don't know. The unknown-unknowns. The limiting beliefs.
And as someone whose parents never worked in the corporate world, it feels like this entire path is littered with unknown-unknowns!
So I thought this would be a cool place to try to crowd source some wisdom in case anybody else could uncover some of their blind spots or glean some helpful advice. I'll go first with some Limiting beliefs that were holding me back:
1) "It's embarrassing to ask for help."
Sometimes stumbling on the right opportunity just boils down to asking. People do it all the time. There is absolutely a professional way to text your friends, post on your Instagram story, post on Twitter, and post on LinkedIn that you are looking for new opportunities.
2) "People only want to help you if you've helped them before."
A lot of people want to help, even help complete strangers, for no other reason than that it feels good. As long as you're professional, grateful, and gracious, there's no reason not to accept their help.
3) "Casting a wide net leads to more opportunities."
While flexibility is definitely a good thing, sometimes casting too wide of a net undermines someone's confidence in you. When you are in the middle of a job hunt come up with some key terms and phrases that really illustrate what you are looking for.
What are some more?